Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
God has entrusted us with His transformative mission for the world. We seek after God's heart by connecting our unique gifts and passions to the work He is doing in our church and outside our walls. Everyone is on mission as a follower of Jesus. We are all to go and tell the lost about what He has done. At Elloree First Baptist we believe mission is the natural result of being a disciple of Jesus. As we go deeper in our relationship with Jesus, our heart and mind become aligned with His, and mission and evangelism becomes a fundamental expression of our faith.
What is Evangelism?
Evangelism and Missions are closely related because they both flow out of the great commission. Evangelism is the act of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with people who do not believe and calling them to faith and repentance. Evangelism can take place within your own people group. The word "evangelism" comes from the Greek word for "Good News".
What Is Missions?
A broader term that includes evangelism. Mission is God's call to proclaim the gospel and is often associated with crossing cultural and language barriers. The word "mission" comes from the Latin word missio, which means "to send off"



Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom as we begin in Elloree and move to the world!
Want to join us on mission for Jesus? The easiest way is to start right hear in Elloree! We serve breakfast the first Saturday of every month down on Cleveland St starting at 8am. Come down and help cook or just talk.
WEst Virginia Mission Trip
Want to learn how to share the gospel?