Mens Ministry

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Although called by God to be the spiritual leaders, most men are spiritually adrift.Churches must involve men, not only in projects and missions, but in helping each other grow in Christ, teaching them how to become better husbands, fathers, leaders and witnesses to other men in the community. As God’s appointed spiritual head of his household, when a man accepts and grows in Christ, his family will follow. There is something in the hardwiring of creation that naturally causes wives and children to look to husbands and fathers to lead out, especially spiritually. At Elloree First Baptist, we take this seriously and are working toward creating an environment where men can grow and lead in Christ.

Second Monday of Every Month
Elloree First Baptist church Fellowship Hall

Every Thursday, Cracker Barrel in Santee

Saturday Morning Coffee

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