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Service Times
Sunday School 9:30 am/ Worship 10:30am/ Sunday Evenings 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 am/ Worship 10:30am/ Sunday Evenings 5:30pm
Sunday School 9:30 am/ Worship 10:30am/ Sunday Evenings 5:30pm/ Wed. Evenings - 6:00pm Dinner/ 6:30 Prayer Meeting/ 7:00 Bible Study
1 Thess. 5:17-18
Prayer should never be the last thing we do, rather it should be a part of our daily worship. Elloree First Baptist strives to be known as a praying church

Acts 1:8
We are to reach out and share the Gospel to whoever will hear the message. Let's be intentional about creating conversation that result in the Gospel being presented.
Matthew 28:19-20
We are called to make disciples. That means we walk with people in life and through life. To grow in our walk daily, so we can help others grow in theirs.
Isaiah 6:8
Mark 10:45
It is our goal as a church, to bring people through Gospel conversations, help them grow into mature Christians and send them to what God has called them to. One way to do this is through missions, domestic, national, & international
Even at the very end of His life, Jesus was pointing the disciples in how to truly serve. We want to be the best church FOR our community, by meeting them where they are being the hands and feet of Jesus.