Wednesday Night Supper

We serve a meal at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays from Mid-August until Mid-May. The cost is $5.00 for adults and children eat free

Children's Ministry

Looking for a wonderful children's program, with a children's Director who gives the children the word of God? Here at Elloree, FBC we believe in showing the love of Jesus to all children and that starts with our awesome Children's director, Mrs. Marla. She has a wonderful team of volunteers, so come out and join us on Sunday mornings during Sunday school or our worship hour. We also have our Sunday Night TeamKids during the school year. No matter when it is, we would love to share the love of Christ with you and your children.

The Children meet for Sunday School @ 9:30 every Sunday Morning and Sunday evenings @ 5:30pm during the school year. Currently, we offer children's church for nursery. through 3rd grade

Youth Ministry

Elloree, FBC Youth group's goal is to meet students where they are in their life. In our society, students are pushed in so many directions. We want them to know Jesus and make Him known. To do that, Mr. Mike Fanning and an awesome group of volunteers come alongside your students to help them grow deeper in their walk with Christ. To disciple them in a way that they are comfortable talking to their friends and others about Jesus Christ. Come out to the "Hall Youth House" located behind the church on Sundays @ 9:30am every Sunday for Sunday School and 5:30pm on Sunday evenings throughout the school year. 

Abide Young Adult Ministry

Are you a young adult (18-28) looking for a group to be a part of? Then look no further. The Abide Young Adult Ministry is meant to gather young adults in fellowship, while helping them grow in their walk with Christ. This groups meets every week for a time of food, fellowship, and Bible study.

Thurdsays/ 7-9pm/ In the Fellowship Hall

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry at Elloree, First Baptist Church is a vibrant community of women seeking to know God through study in His Word. We encourage and equip women to stay in God’s Word throughout the year. You’ll find Elloree, FBC women serving and discipling others within the church and reaching out beyond our walls to impact the community in ways that glorify God. Come out and join us for our current study from the book of Ruth, Monday's 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Ministry

At Elloree, First Baptist Church we biblically train and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church, and in their places of business. The Men’s Ministry develops men in Christian living to make an eternal impact for this generation and those to come. In today’s culture, it’s increasingly important for men to honor God with their hearts and lives. Come join us every Thursday morning for breakfast and a study of the Bible at Poplar Creek Landing.

Choir/Music Ministry

Our Choir ministry is led by Kipp Martin.  Music is an important part of worship. We strive to offer a blended worship format that keeps the rich tradition of classic hymns, but also incorporates newer worship and praise music.

Adult Choir

Elloree has a rich tradition in choral worship. Elloree adult choir meets at 4:00pm on Sundays.

Handbell Choir

Each year the Handbell Choir shares is worship services during the Christmas season.

Praise Team

Our praise team is made up of gifted musicians that help lead in worship each week.


We would love for you to be involved in our music ministry. If you have an interest please contact the church office.

Golden Age Club

This ministry offers monthly meetings and trips for our seniors. The Senior Adult Ministry seeks to glorify God as we continue to reach the senior adults of our community and those in the Elloree area, to enhance their lives, encourage them to grow in the Lord, and to challenge them to serve the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Remember Proverbs 16:31..."Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life."